Digiastar Technologies is a leading innovative software and eBusiness firm, directed by Anastasios Coscoletos and the management team. The company is established in Athens, Greece, offering solutions of Web Development, Digital Marketing and Software engineering beyond the domestic borders. Digiastar is staffed by highly specialized personnel and well-organized departments. The company is data and result driven, focusing in offering qualitative service.
We possess a solid and rare-to-find eBusiness know-how, which increases Digiastars clients’ revenues and clientele.
We perceive Digiastar as one of the top 5% Agencies in Greece, and our goal is the Greek market to be able to enjoy Digiastars services.
Professionalism comes first. Even if we need to take hard decisions for our clients, in order to make their project succeed, then there are no second thoughts. Our client is our first and only priority.
Digiastar is a rare mix of a Software House and a Digital Agency. We combine services which are differentiated, but also relative to each other.
Digiastar offers high quality Web Development by undertaking the most difficult tasks in the market.
Digiastar possesses a commercial DNA. All our team’s efforts focus on delivering tangible results in revenue and clientele increase.
Digiastar’s Web Development department created custom-made software solutions, coded tailor-made to our clients needs.
“Digiastar is an established Pioneer Digital Agency with expertise on Website Development and Digital Marketing Strategy. We plan and execute all the needed actions for your company to ensure you acquire clients online.”
Victoros Hugo 30
Athens, 10438
+30 210 700 7139
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